martes, 21 de abril de 2009


visita a Bs.As. de mi amiga Jan Alexandra Rae
y su exposicion en el Centro cultural Borges, expresiones tangueras,
desde la mirada de una amante del tango, hacia unas manos llenas de magia
que ha permitido esta exposicion de lujo en Bs.As. Jan es una amiga, huesped,
tanguera, que hace muchos años viene a Bs.As., ella es quien me ha regalado
el mural sobre mi casa en la calle venezuela 2213 hace ya muchos años y quiza ustedes recuerden.

Jan Alexandra Rae

she had visited Buenos Aires and she bring her oun exposition "tango expressions" in Centro Cultural Borges. from the point of view of a tango lover, trough this hands full of magic that allowed as this great exposition
Jan is a Guest, a friend, a tanguera who cames ussually to B.A. years from now. She had painted for me as a present the couple of tango dancer that you see in the picture, its in my house in venezuela 2213... maybe you remember it.

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